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Broadway Bank Announces 2024 Broadway Banker Family Scholarship Recipients

Broadway Bank Announces 2024 Broadway Banker Family Scholarship Recipients

Broadway Bank is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2024 Broadway Banker Family Scholarship, a program dedicated to providing financial assistance to the dependents of Broadway Bank employees pursuing higher education. This scholarship program was established in February 2023 to honor the Cheever Family's commitment to fostering educational goals and is a testament to the enduring legacy of Broadway Bank's founders, Charles E. Cheever Sr. and Elizabeth "Betty" Cheever. After an internal selection process, the scholarship committee is proud to present the three winners who exemplify academic excellence, leadership and a commitment to their respective fields of study.

2024 Scholarship Winners

Adayla Harris, daughter of Carole Harris, recently walked the stage at the James Madison High School graduation with Magna Cum Laude honors. Additionally, her musical talents have been recognized through her participation in All-Region Orchestra as well the UIL Solo/Ensemble contest, where she earned "Superior ratings" for both her violin and viola solos. She will be attending The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) in the fall to study Criminology. 

Gabriella Bauer

Gabriella Bauer, daughter of Andrew Bauer, will begin her freshman year at Texas A&M University this fall, where she plans to study Genetics. Among her notable achievements are reaching the state level in an art competition, earning a 2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo, and graduating from Brandeis High School ranked in the top 3% of students within the graduating class.

Soloman Meza

Soloman Meza, son of Barbara Meza, will be attending The University of Texas this fall, where he plans to study Advertising at the Moody College of Communication with hopes of working for a fashion magazine after completing his studies. His impressive accomplishments include competing at the national level for FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America), reconstructing a 19th-century Victorian Era bridal gown in 140 hours, graduating in the top 10 of his class and leading his high school’s fashion design program.

Each of these exceptional students will receive $5,000 to support their educational pursuits at an accredited institution or a professional/technical certification program. Broadway Bank is immensely proud to offer this scholarship and extend its congratulations to Adayla, Gabriella and Soloman for their remarkable achievements.

Broadway Bank expresses its gratitude to the Broadway Bank BWell Career Sub-Committee, comprised of dedicated employees who volunteer their time to support career development initiatives within the bank. This group of Broadway Bankers developed the program and helped with the internal selection process. Their commitment and efforts have made the Broadway Banker Family Scholarship program a resounding success.

As these scholarship recipients embark on their academic journeys, Broadway Bank wishes them the very best in their next chapter. Our teams look forward to witnessing their growth and achievements, confident that they will make a positive impact in their chosen fields and within their communities.

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