Grants and Foundations - Frequently Asked Questions
Broadway Wealth Management uses a third party application system through Survey Monkey for all of our Foundations. To view "Frequently Asked Questions" for the application process and account setup, click here.
We will not provide guidance on amounts to request. Please review the guidelines for each foundation for information. We also encourage you to review the Foundation’s 990-PF filings for additional guidance.
Each foundation has its own cycle; the deadlines and decision dates are located on each Foundation’s webpage.
Our staff and Foundation stakeholders schedule site visits as determined by our committees. We will contact you if a site visit is being considered for your organization.
If your organization was not selected to receive a grant it could be due to one of the following:
- Your grant application did not meet the guidelines for the foundation
- The grant applications received exceeded the funds available to be distributed. If warranted, we will contact you to provide feedback. Please don’t let this discourage you from applying in the future
Multi-year grants will be considered on a select basis.
It is recommended that organizations only submit one request per year to most of the foundations. An organization may submit more than one grant to those foundations that distribute more than once per year.
Organizations are notified after the decision date for the foundation. Please check the appropriate Foundation page for decision dates.
You can search for a foundation’s 990-PF by entering their EIN at the following website. https://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/990finder
Broadway Wealth Management:
Broadway Bank Wealth Management and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax and legal advisors to determine how this information may apply to your own situation. Whether any planned tax result is realized by you depends on the specific facts of your situation at the time your taxes are prepared.
Investments are:
Not FDIC insured
Not guaranteed by the bank
Not a deposit
Not insured by a federal government agency
May lose value